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Buy Hilma Biocare ViagrON

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Dosage 100mg/ml
Total amount 10ml vial
Component Trenbolone Acetate

Company: Hilma Biocare
Active Half-life (Hours): 4h
Group: PDE5 inhibitor
Subgroup: Oral/tablets
Dosage:  100 mg/tab.
Application (Men): 50-100 mg a day
Product pack: 10 tab.
Content (active): Sildenafil
Retains water: No
Aromatization: No

Product Description

ViagrON is a PDE5 inhibitor with a sildenafil ingredient widely used in medicine as an erectile dysfunction treatment drug. It also has application in bodybuilding for its vasodilating properties, which serve as an excellent drug for pumping resulting in a temporary increase in muscles.


With the help of VIagrON athletes can significantly boost sexual well-being. Drive and erection. Additionally, this medication lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow and positively affects the work of the heart.


The most common side effects attributed to the ViagrON are headache, chest pain, dizziness, upset stomach, blurred vision, blocked nose, and redness on the face.


To minimize the chance of side effects, include Vinpocetine or similar protection drugs when using this product.


Exclude other PDE5 inhibitors together with this medication.

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