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Anadrol (Oxymetholone)

Anadrol 50: What is it, its dosage and side effects

Anadrol is believed to be one of the useful androgenic steroids available in the market. This androgenic drug is indeed very beneficial when it comes to promoting excessive gain of body mass despite having low binding affinity with androgen receptor. The steroid is used by many bodybuilders and athletes in order to safeguard their joints. Apart from all these benefits, Anadrol is also used to have strong anabolic effects.

This compound was first made available in 1960, by the international drug firm Syntex. Since oxymetholone is quite reliable in its ability to increase red blood cell production (and effect admittedly characteristic of nearly all anabolic/androgenic steroids), it showed particular promise in treating cases of severe anemia. For this reason, dramatic gains in strength and muscle mass can be achieved in a very short time. An increase in body weight of 10 - 15 pounds or more in only 14 days is not unusual. This item is shown to have a much more direct effect on the red blood cell count, without the side effects of a strong androgen.

Benefits of Taking Anadrol 50mg or 25mg


Anadrol tablets are among the most effective steroids available in the market today. Some of the benefits of taking the tablet include:


1. The steroid works fast and in most cases, you will start noticing results within the first week of usage.

2. The tablets are very good for starting a bulking cycle.

3. When taken in the right quantity, Anadrol a.k.a. Superdrol is very effective in building lean mass.

4. The steroid is easily available and hence popular with both beginner and advanced steroid users.

5. Leads to fast results. Users usually gain 20 to 30 pounds within the first cycle. However, like is the case with most anabolic steroids, some of the weight is due to water retention.

6. Anadrol has low undergone binding characteristics that make it great for stacking with other steroids like tren, Test, and Deca.

7. When stacked with Anavar, the steroid can be used in cutting.

8. Improves your appetitive and amount of red blood cells in your body.

9. Helps to increase nitrogen retention in the cells and in turn enhancing protein synthesis.

10. Leads to rapid mass and weight gain when used with a good PCT and as part of stack.

11. Can help to reduce joint pains usually experienced when exercising.

Anadrol Side Effects

If you want to buy Anadrol for sale, there are many online stores where you can find the steroid. However, before you order, you should know the possible side effects of using the steroid. Some common side effects include high raise blood pressure, development of acne and estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia.


Popular Anadrol Cycles







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