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Pharmabol 100 (Dbol inj.) 10amps 100mg/ml

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Pack: Price per Item Total
$35.00 $35.00
Dosage 100mg/ml
Total amount 10amps
Component Methandienone inj.


Dianabol goes by several other names such as metandienone, methandienone or methandrostenolone and it is a modified form of testosterone. Its via an addition of a methyl group at carbon 17 alpha which helps protect the hormone when its ingested and processed by the body. There was also an introduction of a double bond between carbons 1 and 2, which reduces its androgenicity. An interesting thing to take note of is that aside from the c17 alpha methyl group, it is structurally identical to boldenone! That’s one of the main reasons guys call Equipoise injectable dianabol.


Use and Benefits

As with every oral, you will find mixed opinions on dosing schedules. Since the half life is 5-6 hours, most people split their dose throughout the day to keep blood level stable while others take their dose all at once. There is some anecdotal evidence that suggest taking your dose all at once to take advantage of the increased metabolism and heighten uptake of micronutrients; though, how you dose will be personal preference. Dianabol should be taken on an empty stomach, as taking it with food may decrease its bioavailability. Dosage usually runs between 15-30 mgs per day, but some users prefer higher doses between 40-60. Therefore, personal preference and goals will play a determining factor in dosages, but, as always, the lower the dose you can get away with and see results, the better.

In terms of benefits, most users will notice a very sudden and drastic increase in strength, muscle mass and a quicker recovery rate which is exactly what we are looking for to add size! The main factor dbol is stacking, the better your stack and more results you’ll get from dbol.

Side Effects

Dianabol is a wet compound, so water retention should be expected. An aromatase inhibitor, like aromasin orarimidex, should be taken to help keep bloating down, control estrogen and avoid gynecomastia. Cycle-aids should also be ran on dbol as it is liver toxic and will take a toll on the body over time, so fish oil, cardarine and N2Guard should be ran at a minimum.

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